SmallHolder Voices

Our aim is to make this portal interactive and engaging. Help us by sharing your content, asking a question or posting a comment.

SmallHolder Voices

Our aim is to make this portal interactive and engaging. Help us by sharing your content, asking a question or posting a comment.

SmallHolder Voices

Our aim is to make this portal interactive and engaging. Help us by sharing your content, asking a question or posting a comment.

SmallHolder Voices

Our aim is to make this portal interactive and engaging. Help us by sharing your content, asking a question or posting a comment.

The SmallHolder Voices portal is a policy marketplace where smallholder farmers, academics and policy makers are connected virtually to engage in policy-informing discussions related to issues that impact smallholder farmers. The portal shares best-practice case studies curated by ACET, along with providing a forum to foster discussion and debate that can inform policy making in this space.

Latest Case Studies

Latest case studies highlight successful and innovative efforts that strengthen linkages between policy design and small-holder interests in different areas across the agricultural value chain. 

Budget Monitoring and Learning Review: Engaging Policy Makers in Agricultural Advocacy in Tanzania

The agriculture sector has received little attention from the African governments as reflected in the budget allocation, albeit its importance in the fight against poverty and for economic transformation. To reverse the trend, African governments made a pledge to earmark at least 10% of their budget to agriculture sector—often dubbed as Malabo Declaration.

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